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BBS: JS: Replacing strings in an Array - August 05, 1998 at 14:28:16

You are here: irt.org | BBS | JS: Replacing strings in an Array [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Lisa M on August 05, 1998 at 14:28:16:

I've created an array that has been generated by a user form -
which is then put into a cookie as a long string with one name.
(ie. getCookie ("address") - the cookie would then contain multiple
site addresses separated by an "&".)

I can set these and read these cookies fine, however the problem
is I can not figure out how to delete one of the addresses from the
cookie (array) based on the user's input.

In other words, how do I grab the cookie, match the string
which would be something like &http:%20www.yahoo.com& ,
delete that string of the array, then reset the cookie, when the
address could fall anywhere within the array?

Any help would be most appreciated.


You are here: irt.org | BBS | JS: Replacing strings in an Array [This BBS is closed]

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