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BBS: could someone help debug? - July 21, 1998 at 23:56:08

You are here: irt.org | BBS | could someone help debug? [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Ryan on July 21, 1998 at 23:56:08:

One line of code here. The error message IE4 gives me is: Expected ';'

Could someone let me know what my mistake is? I am positive that the
mistake has nothing to do with the manner in which I referenced the hidden
text field. (by this I mean the top.header.document.FORM.NAME.value)

<script language="javascript">
if (top.header.document.FORM.NAME.value="notclicked") then

By the way, the value of the hidden text field this script referenced is
"notclicked". The text field is called "NAME" in a form called "FORM".

Thanks In Advance For The Help


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