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BBS: Re: form.elements array in MSIE3.x ? - July 20, 1998 at 15:58:03

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: form.elements array in MSIE3.x ? [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Martin Webb on July 20, 1998 at 15:58:03:

In Reply to: form.elements array in MSIE3.x ? posted by Jason B. on July 13, 1998 at 14:43:31:

: I have been trying to perform a simple check to return the value of a selected radio button in IE3, but it seems as if IE3 doesn't recognize the elements array.
: When using a for loop to check the status, all that is returned is a "JScript compilation error: checked isn't an object". I tried to explain to IE3 that "checked" is a property of an object, but it wouldn't listen.

: Can you actually use "form[x].elements[x].checked" in IE3?

Yes, but you'll need to use it as:


otherwise it assumes (correctly but incorrectly for your purposes) that you actually wanted:


as by default everything is an object of the window object.

: Any help with this thorny problem will be greatly appreciated.

Only a week late.


You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: form.elements array in MSIE3.x ? [This BBS is closed]

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