You are here: | BBS | compound mailto: as FORM action [This BBS is closed]
Posted by Don Finch on July 15, 1998 at 13:26:58:
I am trying to set a FORM's action object
to a mailto: construct using the TO, SUBJECT
and CC tags. The mailer does not parse it
correctly and generates an invalid recipient error.
I can set the FORM.action to a simple TO and SUBJECT set, and I can set an
HREF to a more complex TO/SUBJECT/CC/BCC set.
Why can't I do this?
document.RegForm.action = "mailto:?subject="+Subject+"&to="+TO+"&cc="+CC;
And yes, I have tried BOTH the ? and &.
You are here: | BBS | compound mailto: as FORM action [This BBS is closed]