You are here: | BBS | mouseOuts and Netscape [This BBS is closed]
Posted by gabrielle on June 24, 1998 at 12:29:46:
I want to do two things on MouseOver: light a button, then open an URL. I added this line to my code in order to give the "light" effect a chance to display before being obscured by the new page:
setTimeout ('openIt ()', 1000);
Old story: it works fine in ie4, but in ns4 and I assume ns3, when the mouse leaves the image *before* the 1 second has expired, the browser either crashes or sends up an error message that the unlit image is not an object, whatever. Is there a solution for NS???
Here's the code:
<A HREF="" TARGET="_top" onMouseOver= "if (document.images) document.lightIt.src= 'green.gif' , setTimeout ('openIt ()', 1000);
" onMouseOut= "if (document.images) document.dimIt.src='gray.gif';"><IMG SRC="gray.gif" width=20 height=20 ALT="to another URL" name="lightIt" BORDER=0></A>
Thank you for any help!!
You are here: | BBS | mouseOuts and Netscape [This BBS is closed]