JavaScript Image Articles
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Synopsis: Martin Webb demonstrates how to use Macromedia Fireworks - a graphics package - to create client-side image maps using client-side JavaScript.
Techniques: Macromedia, Fireworks, Graphics, Images, JavaScript, HTML, Image Maps, Rollovers, Sliced Images
Synopsis: Ben Allen shows how to use a JavaScript to display a Book of the Day, which links to you or affiliate program.
Techniques: JavaScript, Client Side, DHTML, Dynamic, HTML, images, layers,,, affiliate, book, bookstore
Synopsis: Written by Ben Allen - An article on making a picture gallery using JavaScript
Techniques: JavaScript, Client Side, Images, Picture, Gallery
Synopsis: Jason Nugent describes a technique to speed up the loading of rollover images, without disrupting the ability to view the document.
Techniques: Images, image src, document.images, onLoad, image rollovers, onMouseOver, onMouseOut
Synopsis: How to jazz up those boring old image highlights that the majority of us have on our web pages.
Techniques: images, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, color, colour, browser safe palette, setTimeout, fade, glow, eval, clearTimeout
Synopsis: Describe how to use a select dropdown menu to control images, and, for those browsers that can, how to find out image properties.
Techniques: image, select, form, floating frames, onClick, onLoad, JavaScript1.1, browser version checks, image properties, name,src, lowsrc, height, width, border, complete, hspace, vspace, prototype, window size, screen size
Synopsis: Describes how to show different images within the same document, how to show different background images within the same document, how to control images within frames, and how to present an image slide show.
Techniques: image, location, search, href, substring, img, body, background, src, frame, target, onLoad, setTimeout, integer, string, preloading
Synopsis: Describes how to highlight portions of an imagemap, uses two different methods, plus an alternative for MSIE
Techniques: image, imagemap, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, usemap, map, status, history, go, floating frames
Synopsis: Further enhancements to Highlighted images, including an enhanced browser detector, and framed toolbars
Techniques: images, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, *.js src files, preloading images, detecting browser, status bar messages
Synopsis: Display random banners one after another with links to the appropriate document
Techniques: images, floating frames, setTimeout, objects, arrays, random, location
Synopsis: Enhancements to the previous Highlighting Images article. Updated to include MSIE and NN 4.
Techniques: Images, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, detecting browser, SRC
Synopsis: Highlighting images. Updated to include MSIE and NN 4.
Techniques: Images, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, detecting browser
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