JavaScript Games #2 - Solitaire
Writing a midi hifi system in JavaScript
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Published on: Monday 14th May 2001 By: Ian Chia, Hayden Porter and Tony DeYoung
<html> <head> <title>FlashSound API Code Template</title> <!--Step #1 source in the flashsound.js javascript library. --> <script language="JavaScript" src="your path to/flashsound.js"></script> <!-- Step #2 create a javascript instance name for your swf . Each swf needs to have its own javascript instance name. --> <script language="JavaScript"> var mySound = new FlashSound ( ); </script> </head> <body> <!--Step #4 create a link with mouseover and mouseout events to play and stop our sound. --> <a href="some link" onMouseover = "mySound.TGotoAndPlay('/testsound', 'start')" onMouseout = "mySound.TGotoAndPlay('/testsound','stop')">test sound</a> <!-- Step #3 embed your swf using the embedSWF( ) method, which automatically generates the correct <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags. Each swf needs to have its own embedSWF statement. --> <script language = "JavaScript"> mySound.embedSWF("url of swf") </script> </body> </html>
JavaScript Games #2 - Solitaire
Writing a midi hifi system in JavaScript