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Published on: Wednesday 1st January 1997 By: Martin Webb
<html> <head> <title>Tour Navigation Frame</title> </head> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- //This script defines an object called 'Link' function Link(href,text) { this.href = href; this.text = text; } //This script creates an array called 'myLink' var item = 0; var myLink = new Array(); //This script creates a new instance of a 'Link' object function setLink(href,text) { myLink[item] = new Link(href,text); item++; } //This script populates the array 'myLink' with 'Link' objects setLink('tour1.htm','Array Tour Start'); setLink('tour2.htm','Tour Components'); setLink('tour3.htm','Frames'); setLink('tour4.htm','Arrays of Objects'); setLink('tour5.htm','Forms, Selections and Options'); setLink('tour6.htm','Navigation'); setLink('tour7.htm','Automating Headers and Footers'); setLink('tour8.htm','Source Code'); //The following parameter 'n' controls the position within the tour var n=0; //The following scripts are used by the form 'form1' within the frame 'nav' function goFirst() { if (n != 0) { n = 0; self.workarea.location.href = myLink[n].href; } } function goBack() { if (n != 0) { n--; self.workarea.location.href = myLink[n].href; } } function goHome() { location.href = 'index.htm'; } function goForward() { if (n != (item - 1)) { n++; self.workarea.location.href = myLink[n].href; } } function goLast() { if (n != item -1) { n = item - 1; self.workarea.location.href = myLink[n].href; } } // This script navigates to the location of an option // without the need of a cgi script: function openDoc (object) { var string = object.options[object.selectedIndex].value; if (string != '' && n != object.selectedIndex) { n = object.selectedIndex; self.workarea.location.href = string; } return false; } // The following scripts output formatted text, as used // within the child frames function header() { return '<h1>' + myLink[n].text + '<\/h1>'; } function footer() { return '<hr><center>Page ' + (n + 1) + ' of ' + item + '<\/CENTER><BR>'; } //--></script> <frameset frameborder="0" framespacing="0" rows="50,*"> <frame scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="nav" noresize src="tour-n.htm"> <frame scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="10" name="workarea" noresize src="tour1.htm"> </frameset> </html>