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Java Articles

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179. Sunday 15th August 1999 - Steps to Java Internationalization (i18n)
Synopsis: With Internationalization your Java applications can be adapted to various languages and regions without code changes. The term internationalization is abbreviated as i18n, because there are 18 letters between the first 'i' and the last 'n'. Support for new languages does not require recompilation or code changes! Written by Azzam and Kaesar Alnijres.
Techniques: Java, Internationalisation, i18n, properties files, Locale object, ResourceBundle, JDK

151. Sunday 7th March 1999 - Java Applets in Education
Synopsis: Java applets are one type of Java programs that can be displayed within a WWW browser that supports Java. Advantages of using applets for the purposes of teaching and learning are discussed by Pankaj Kamthan. Guidelines for developing educational applets are suggested. Technological and pedagogical issues involved are pointed out. Prototypical examples are given as applications.
Techniques: Java Applets, Education, Resources, Applications

113. Tuesday 1st September 1998 - Java #6 I Wanna hold your hand - longer
Synopsis: In this 2nd article Dr Tarique Sani holds your hand through creation to your first Java Applet.
Techniques: Java, Java Tutorials, Java Getting started

112. Friday 21st August 1998 - Mouse Event Handling in Java 1.0
Synopsis: Stephen Saunders describes how to use the mouse event handlers in Java 1.0
Techniques: Java, Mouse Event Handling, events, methods, mouseUp(), mouseDown(), mouseMove(), mouseDrag(), mouseEnter(), mouseExit(), graphics, getGraphics(), drawLine()

108. Friday 31st July 1998 - Java #5 I Wanna hold your hand
Synopsis: Dr Tarique Sani holds your hand through JDK installation, configuration and creation to your first Java application
Techniques: Java, Java Tutorials, Java Getting started

079. Saturday 25th April 1998 - Java Applets #4
Synopsis: Dr. Tarique Sani concludes the Java series on the KTN applet. Includes the complete source code for the KTN applet.
Techniques: paint(), start(), stop(), destroy(), run(), mouseEnter(), mouseExit(), mouseDown()

074. Saturday 4th April 1998 - Java Applets #3
Synopsis: Dr. Tarique Sani continues with the growing series of articles on Java. This article *actually* includes some Java code for the KTN Applet.
Techniques: Java Applet, source code

070. Saturday 21st March 1998 - Java Applets #2
Synopsis: Written by Dr. Tarique Sani. Describes a basic Java Applet skeleton using the set of methods that provide the basic mechanism by which the browser interfaces to the applet to control its execution.
Techniques: init(), start(), stop(), destroy(), paint(), update(), repaint()

067. Friday 6th March 1998 - Java Applets #1
Synopsis: Dr. Tarique Sani starts the first in a new series of articles on Java and how to use it to enhance your pages.
Techniques: Java, Applet, param, value

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