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In the Press

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October 8th, 1998

Internet.Works magazine mentioned irt.org in their Q+A section, saying:

irt.org (www.irt.org) is a non-profit-making site for developers, which covers Internet-related technologies that are cross-browser and cross-platform compatible. There are over 100 articles plus FAQs on topics such as HTML, JavaScript, Java, CGI/PERL and CSS. There's also a reviews section, containing reviews of recommended books and software, and a bulletin board where visitors can post their questions and problems or hold discussions. The site can be downloaded for offline reading in several different compression formats.

irt.org is maintained by an enthusiastic group of people from all over the world, whom you can learn more about in the irt.org profiles (www.irt.org/profiles/). You can also read about the intentions of irt.org at www.irt.org/intent.htm

June 23rd, 1998

Channel 4 Teletext brought a short note about irt.org on page 653;:

I run part of a site which is at http://www.irt.org.
It's called Internet Related Technologies, and it contains articles, FAQs, book reviews and other information about languages such as HTML, Java, and CGI scripting.
I think it's a great site for those that want to expand their home pages.

Michael Bednarek

June 6th, 1998

irt.org was featured on the The SiteCreator Channel Update, with a paragraph saying

You may be interested to know of Internet Related Technologies, a site which is complementary to The SiteCreator Channel. It can be found at http://www.irt.org and contains articles, FAQs, book reviews and other information about a wide range of technologies including HTML, XML, JavaScript, Perl/CGI, Java and more.

June, 1998

irt.org was mentioned in Computer!Totaal, (issue #6, 1998, pg. 154) a magazine for members of Holland's Computer Club.

In Dutch:

Q: Search engine maken Ik wil graag een search engine in onze intranet- en Internet-sites bouwen, wat voor software en scripts kan ik hiervoor gebruiken?....

A: ... Daarnaast is dit ook te bereiken met JavaScript. U moet dan wel in script alle doorzoekbare pagina's opgeven met sleutelwoorden, zeker bij grote hoeveelheden pagina's en text is dit erg arbeidsintensief.

Op http://www.btinternet.com/~martin.webb/js041/l (nu http://www.irt.org/articles/js003/) is hierover meer te vinden... Adriaan van der Hek

In English:

Q: To make a Search engine I would like to build a search engine for our intranet- and Internet sites, what software and scripts can I use?

A:... You may furthermore achieve this with JavaScript. You must then include keywords for all searchable pages, a rather work intensive task if you have many pages.

You will find more information about this on http://www.btinternet.com/~martin.webb/js041/l (now http://www.irt.org/articles/js003) ... Adriaan van der Hek

Published Articles

Several articles from irt.org have also been published elsewhere on the net. Here's a listing of all these articles:

MetaFlash: A New Take on 3D

SVG Brings Fast Vector Graphics to Web

Manipulating Images With JavaScript

Creating Encoded Name & Value Pairs

The Light Fantastic

Testing IE4's Visual Filters

Disabling form elements

The JavaScript Pop-Up Windows Primer

Dynamic Positioning

What is So Dynamic About Dynamic HTML?

Building a Dynamic Thank You Page

Writing a midi hifi system in JavaScript

Dynamic Table Sorting

Creating a JavaScript site map

irt.org Press Contacts

The following core team members may be contacted for quotations andinterviews:

Martin Webb, founder

Contact for: Group mission, P.R. issues, big picture, third-party contacts, articles and JavaScript, historical perspective and emerging technologies

©2018 Martin Webb