JavaScript Programmer's Reference - TextRange Object
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TextRange Object
Object/JScript |
Internet Explorer 4 |
There are platform limitations to the TextRange object that mean it is only functional on the Windows platform within MSIE. |
TextRange Methods
Name | MSIE | NNav | Notes |
collapse() | 4 | - | |
compareEndPoints() | 4 | - | |
duplicate() | 4 | - | |
execCommand() | 4 | - | |
expand() | 4 | - | |
findText() | 4 | - | |
getBookmark() | 4 | - | |
getBoundingClientRect() | 5 | - | |
getClientRects() | 5 | - | |
inRange() | 4 | - | |
isEqual() | 4 | - | |
move() | 4 | - | |
moveEnd() | 4 | - | |
moveStart() | 4 | - | |
moveToBookmark() | 4 | - | |
moveToElementText() | 4 | - | |
moveToPoint() | 4 | - | |
parentElement() | 4 | - | |
pasteHTML() | 4 | - | |
queryCommandEnabled() | 4 | - | |
queryCommandIndeterm() | 4 | - | |
queryCommandState() | 4 | - | |
queryCommandSupported() | 4 | - | |
queryCommandText() | 4 | - | |
queryCommandValue() | 4 | - | |
select() | 4 | - | |
setEndPoint() | 4 | - | |
TextRange Properties
Name | MSIE | NNav | Notes |
boundingHeight | 4 | - | |
boundingLeft | 4 | - | |
boundingTop | 4 | - | |
boundingWidth | 4 | - | |
htmlText | 4 | - | |
text | 4 | - | |
You are here: | XRef | JScript | TextRange
©2018 Martin Webb