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<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var x=100,y=50,dl=document.layers,da=document.all; dl?(iW=window.innerWidth-x,iH=window.innerHeight-y):(da?(b=document.body,iW=b.offsetWidth-x,iH=b.offsetHeight-y):null); function pageOffset() { dl?(dl.o.pageX=window.pageXOffset+iW,dl.o.pageY=window.pageYOffset+iH):(da?(,; setTimeout('pageOffset()',10); } //--></script> </head> <body onLoad="(dl || da)?pageOffset():null"> <div id="o" style="position:absolute;"><b>© <a href=""></a></b></div> ... </body> </html>
The above does not work in Netscape Navigator 6. The following does:
<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function DOMGetElement(o) { if (document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(o); else if (document.all) return document.all[o]; else if (document.layers) return document.layers[o]; return null; } function DOMWindowGetXOffset() { if (document.all) return document.body.scrollLeft; else if (document.getElementById) return window.pageXOffset; else if (document.layers) return window.pageXOffset; } function DOMWindowGetYOffset() { if (document.all) return document.body.scrollTop; else if (document.getElementById) return window.pageYOffset; else if (document.layers) return window.pageYOffset; } function DOMElementSetTopPos(o,val) { if (document.getElementById) = val; else if (document.all) = val; else if (document.layers) o.pageY = val; } function DOMElementSetLeftPos(o,val) { if (document.getElementById) = val; else if (document.all) = val; else if (document.layers) o.pageX = val; } function DOMWindowGetInnerWidth() { if (document.all) return document.body.clientWidth; else if (document.getElementById) return window.innerWidth; else if (document.layers) return window.innerWidth; } function DOMWindowGetInnerHeight() { if (document.all) return document.body.clientHeight; else if (document.getElementById) return window.innerHeight; else if (document.layers) return window.innerHeight; } function DOMElementGetHeight(o) { if (document.all) return o.clientHeight; else if (document.getElementById) return parseInt(o.offsetHeight); else if (document.layers) return o.document.height; } function DOMElementGetWidth(o) { if (document.all) return o.clientWidth; else if (document.getElementById) return parseInt(o.offsetWidth); else if (document.layers) return o.document.width; } function pageOffset() { var o = DOMGetElement('o'); if (o) { DOMElementSetLeftPos(o, DOMWindowGetXOffset() + DOMWindowGetInnerWidth() - DOMElementGetWidth(o) - 20); DOMElementSetTopPos(o, DOMWindowGetYOffset() + DOMWindowGetInnerHeight() - DOMElementGetHeight(o) - 20); setTimeout('pageOffset()',10); } } //--></script> </head> <body onLoad="pageOffset()"> <div id="o" style="position:absolute; background-color: #ffffff;"><b>© <a href=""></a></b></div> ... </body> </html>