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Core Team Profiles - Swati Sani

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Swati, Tarique and Aasim Sani


We are Swati and Tarique Sani, seen with us is our sonAasim when he was 5 months old. We also have a black Turkish longhaired cat called Bhageera, after the legendary black puma of Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book . We live in Nagpur City of Maharashtra State, India.

Tarique is a doctor (Pediatrician) by education and I, Swati, am a mass communication professional. Together we run SANIsoft, our own web site engineering outfit. SANIsoft specializes in low cost web site solutions and bulk HTML generation for resellers.

Articles By Swati Sani:

103. Friday 17th July 1998 - Web Graphics Resource Page
A list or urls to web graphics resources - maintained by Swati Sani

graphics, resources, free, logos, banners

Software Reviews By Swati Sani:

020. - Satori WebFX 2000 - resolution independent graphics software
Swati Sani reviews Satori WebFX 2000 a software package for creating high resolution object based artwork

software,buy software,graphics package, object graphics
008. - Xara Webstyle
Swati Sani reviews a program which could be a godsend for the graphically challenged developer.

Xara Webstyle, graphics, templates, text, logos, buttons, dividers, pre-drawn, customisable, software, reviews, programs, buy software, purchase software

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