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Out and About

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Published on: Saturday 16th June 2007 By: Martin Webb

irt.org has moved! We ran out of space on our original host at webaxxs.net. We were constantly breaking our bandwidth limit - so after 9 years we moved to our new host at olm.net giving us much more room to breath and a shed-load of bandwidth to consume. Now I've just got to come up with new ideas and new content to justify the extra hosting charges.

At the same time I registered the new domain name martinwebb.name which I'm going to use to hold a few other less technology related items - basically my personal playpen.

As you've probably noticed (if you're a long time visitor to irt.org) there hasn't been a lot of new content for a long while. Life moved on and updating the site became less urgent. The site was meant to scratch an itch not being satisfied at work. Life changed. Work changed. But now new exciting technologies have emerged that has rekindled that old itch. Expect to see new content on Web 2.0, AJAX and mashups.

I'm particularly excited with all the Google toys that have been released: Google Web Toolkit, Google Maps and the recently released beta of Google Gears.

Expect to see new content on these technologies, and others, soon... for now take a look at the BT Out and About mashup using GWT, Google Maps, Wifi and phone box locations for the UK.

BT’s Out and About AJAX application

This is something I was involved in at work with a colleague from the BT.com beta team late last year. I developed the code in Eclipse in a matter of days with the aid of some internal services for looking up Wifi hotspots and phone box locations. As well as the UI application there is also an XML API available for you to consume the Wifi hotspot and phone data into your own mashups - see the BT.com/beta discussion post on how to obtain details - this was implemented using Betwixt on top of a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) service.

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Drag and Drop with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5

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Image Manipulation Techniques

String Gradients the Fun Way!

"The Light Fantastic"

©2018 Martin Webb

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