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Web Graphics Resource Page

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Published on: Friday 17th July 1998 By: Swati Sani

A Bunch of URL's

"You don't call a bunch of URL's a article!" That's the first remark I got from my dear husband Tarique who is an avid programmer. So I decided that I would call it something better - A Resource Page -

Whatever you call it, I am certain that it will be a valuable reference to all web programmers, who are very busy people and are so engrossed in the complexities of programming that they have little time to devote to web graphics and few are as lucky as my husband to have in-house (literally:) professional help.

So I have complied a short list of sites I visited and liked. Where one can get 100% FREE web graphics. NOTE: these are not clip art collections but buttons, banners, Logos etc

I know that this is by no means a complete list but its enough to get you started! A last word even though these sites are 100% FREE be sure to read the terms and conditions at these site

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MetaFlash: A New Take on 3D

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